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All sizes are in inches   1″(inch) = 2.54cm

Original oil painting by Lidia Wylangowska


size: 24"x80"(60.96cm x 203.2cm)

material: oil on engineered wood, hanging hardware is included.

catalog number:#409

A dandelion wish is a dream your heart makes and with one blow, it'll come true.

Now you can have three wishes fulfilled

"The dandelion is the only flower that represents the three celestial bodies of the sun, moon, and stars: The yellow flower resembles the sun, the puff ball resembles the moons, and the dispersing seeds resemble the stars.

The dandelion flower opens to greet the morning and closes in the evening to go to sleep.

Every part of the dandelion is useful: root, leaves, flower. It can be used for food, medicine, and dye for colouring.

Up until the 1800s, people would pull grass out of their lawns to make room for dandelions and other useful “weeds” like chickweed, malva and chamomile.

The name dandelion is taken from the French word “dent de lion” meaning lion’s tooth, referring to the coarsely-toothed leaves.

Dandelions have one of the longest flowering seasons of any plant.

Dandelion seeds are often transported away by a gust of wind and they travel like tiny parachutes. Seeds are often carried as many as five miles from their origin!

Birds, insects, and butterflies consume nectar or seeds of dandelion.

Honey from bees pollinating dandelions is quite delicious.

Dandelion flowers do not need to be pollinated to form seeds.

Root of dandelion can be used as a substitute for coffee.

Dandelion is used in folk medicine to treat infections and liver disorders. Tea made of dandelion act as a diuretic.

If you know dandelions, they’ll grow shorter stalks to spite you.

Dandelions are, quite possibly, the most successful plants that exist. They are masters of survival worldwide."

~ Author Unknown

#409 „Make a Wish”, original oil painting

    • The technique

      The technique I use is oil painting. I apply the paint in thin layers. Where I need to return to lighter tones, I remove the previously applied layer of paint. There is no white paint on my palette. White and light result exclusively from the white background. I think that in this way the painting gains exceptional light and purity of colors. The second color that I never use is black. The reason is similar to the above. I look for pure shades in which the colors interpenetrate, from which I create the deepest tones.

      I like to find in the textures of the background and the painted object something from a world that has already passed away, and yet exists in the structure of my painting.

      I am interested in creating a painting that has something timeless in it. That is probably why I reach for the good old traditions of the painting craft.

      I think that taking care to continue this knowledge and skills enriched with a modern perspective on art gives my works uniqueness. This feature is reinforced by finding a very personal point of view of reality. Observing it and transferring it to the language of painting.

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